bilder från skattjakten i helgen :)

Vi kom 2:A,, lite surt, vi förlora med 3 poäng! 3 små fjuttiga poäng! Hade jag vetat det hade jag både druvkit toavatten, ätit starksås, rakat ett ögonbryn och sprungit över golden gate på 10 min... Lr ja nästan iaf..
Men vi var iaf överlägsna de andra lagen,, 3:an låg typ 50 poäng under team europe, med enbart tsmåtjejr i.. Det trodde dom inte! Girlpower tjejer! :D

Nån läskig människa som glatt bjöd in sig att gå med oss.. Men vi lyckades lura oss av han efter att vi lät han utföra nåra utmaningar åt oss som inehöll en främling..

en mänsklig pyramid på pier 39

denna vart mer pinsam än jag trodde.. Vi skulle hålla en motskylt till den gubben (han står alltid utanför Forever 21 i san fran) de hann ta ner skylten innan jag tog kortet,, men det stod iaf "But Satan loved more.." på våran skylt. haha stackars gubbe han bara stod där o sa ingenting.. Men han brukar tydligen skrika på folk ibaland,, då kändes det mer ok..

Här är en lista på alllt vi gjorde:

S.F. Challenges

c  Ride a skateboard down a hill-seated (3 pts)


c  Get a souvenir shirt and have 10 strangers sign it (2 pts)


c  Get a picture with Alcatraz in the background (1 pt)


c  Dance with metallic street performer (1 pt)


c  Stand next to the “Jesus Christ Loves” sign holder, outside of forever 21, with a sign of your own. (2 pts)


c  Take a team picture at Pier 39 (1 pt)


c  Take a picture with the sea lions (1 pt)


c  Wrestle the arm wrestling machine at Musee Mechanique(Pier 45) (2 pts)


c  Take a picture under the arches of china town (1 pt)



c  Haggle prices successfully in china town (1 pt)

c  Drive/Walk Lombard street (2 pts)


c  Get a slice of Blondie’s pizza (1 pt)


c  Take a picture under the “Time for a Pint” sign at Foley’s pub in union square (1 pt)


c  Take a picture with a Cable Car (1 pt)


c  Go to the top of Coit Tower( 2 pts)

General Challenges

c  Step in dog poop (3 pts)


c  Find a look alike of a team member (1 pt)


c  Give a piggy back ride across a crosswalk (1 pt)


c  Trip in front of a window of people (2 pts)


c  Get your face painted (1 pt)


c  Skip in to and out of a store (1 pt)


c  Do a Barrel Roll (1 pt)


c  Sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall on BART (2 pts)


c  Talk about eating another person in public (1 pt)


c  Recreate a famous movie scene (2 pts)


c  Pretend to be a greeter at a store (2 pts)


c  Crush a can with your forehead (1 pt)


c  Eat 10 packets of ketchup in a row (2 pts)


c  Play red light green light on the sidewalk of SF (1 pt)


c  Make a suit out of foil (2 pts)


c  Make a full cup of lemonade at a restaurant and drink it using only: a glass of water, sugar packets, and lemon WEDGES (2 pts)


c  Draw a mustache on yourself (Women) (2 pts)


c  Skip for at least a block (1 pt)

a. Additional points for holding hands (1 pt)


c  Borrow a homeless musicians instrument

a. Play it (3 pts)


c  Dance for 2 minutes in Union Square (1 pt)

a. Have a teammate drop a beat for you (1 pt)


c  Get a crepe with everything on it (1 pt)


c  Get a funnel cake (1 pt)


c  Do 30 pushups (1 pt)


c  Spank a stranger (2 pts)


c  Have a stranger spank you (2 pts)


c  Hug 5 random people in a row (2 pts)


c  Get a lap dance from a stranger (3 pts)


c  Give a stranger a lap dance (2 pts)


c  Buy a mix tape from a street person (2 pts)


c  Rap battle a stranger (2 pts)


c  Have a 1 on 1 basketball game (2 pts)


c  Get a strangers number (3 pts)


c  Change clothes on BART (2 pts)


c  Rub a strangers nipple (2 pts)


c  Sing party in the USA in front of forever 21 (3 pts)


c  Get an older guy to buy you booze (Female) (3 pts)


c  Have a mental breakdown in public (1 pt)


c   Pose with mannequin's in a store window (1 pt)


c  Take a bite of food from a stranger's plate at a restaurant (2 pts)


c  Kiss a bare ass (3 pts)


c  Get into a relationship fight with a member of the same sex in a public place, visibly causing a scene (2 pts)


c  Steal a road cone (1 pt)


c  Take a picture of someone going to the bathroom (2 pts)


c  Make 2 dollars by street performing (3 pts)

c  Find a dog wearing clothes (1 pt)


c  Make a pyramid with people (1 pt)


c  Get handcuffed by a cop (2 pts)


c  Eat a tablespoon of cinnamon (2 pts)


c  Rip a shirt like the Hulk (3 pts)


c  Snort black pepper (3 pts)



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